THE RIGHT ATTITUDE TO FASTINGThis article explores the wisdom & science behind the age old tradition of Fasting. But is the process effective without the right attitude?Oct 30, 20204Oct 30, 20204
Infusing Food with Love — PrasadDo our feeling with which we take our food makes a difference? Do food rituals have some meaning behind them or are they just a formality?Oct 23, 20205Oct 23, 20205
Meaning of LifeRiver of life goes on and on, but to what end. What is the purpose of this life? And what do we do about it?Oct 16, 20205Oct 16, 20205
Theory of Experiences and BeyondAre beliefs, rituals & dogmas enough to satiate our natural curiosity, or is there a way to experience the profound truths by ourselves?Oct 9, 20204Oct 9, 20204
THE BUSINESS CASE FOR MEDITATIONScientific experiments on how Meditation can enhance decision making, creativity & quality of life, thus improving our professional lives.Oct 2, 20205Oct 2, 20205
MODERN-DAY GURUSThe word ‘Guru’ sometimes creates suspicion and sometimes a refuge of guidance. How to identify a genuine Guru and what is his role?Sep 18, 20208Sep 18, 20208
THE OBSERVER PARADOX AND THE WITNESSGoing beyond being an observer, as achieved in Mindfulness, there is a state of Witness. Yet, is there anything still beyond the Witness?Sep 12, 20204Sep 12, 20204
What is Hearticulture?Is there a way where Love and Joy can be established in our society? The Heart alone connects us and Hearticulture helps create this unity.Sep 4, 20209Sep 4, 20209
RECLAIM YOUR ATTENTIONMeditation — not just a tool to save us from attention hacking by modern marketers but also to reach the real potential of consciousnessAug 28, 20206Aug 28, 20206
How Does Meditation Help Combat Stress?Meditation helps create inner poise & centeredness favoring an optimum state which enthuses creativity & state of flow in every activity.Aug 21, 202011Aug 21, 202011